During the Ten Days of Repentance


The period between Rosh Ha-Shanah and Yom Kippur is known as the Ten Days of Repentance (aseret yeme teshuvah). This year’s period began with the passing of the legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg z”l, who embodied the values of justice, equality for all, and fierce commitment to change exemplified by Rabbi Leonard Beerman. Even in a time of such challenge, worry, and despair, we are enjoined to continue. And even in such a period, Leonard would preach, we are called upon to reflect on how we can improve ourselves and the world in the coming year.

To remind us of this important teaching, we at the Leonard I. Beerman Foundation are pleased to share this latest audio clip of Rabbi Beerman’s Yom Kippur sermon from 2002. In it, you will hear Leonard’s wisdom, humor, and inspiration.

We are also including a video reflection by Rabbi Sharon Brous (below), spiritual leader of IKAR and one of the country’s most powerful rabbinic figures. In it, Rabbi Brous recalls the place that Leonard Beerman continues to have in her life and thinking.

Since we did not have the opportunity to come together in person this year for the annual Leonard I. Beerman Award for Social Justice in Action, we will continue to remain in touch with you via our website and email, sharing the words of Rabbi Beerman and those who walk in his path. Subscribe to our list to receive words of inspiration in your inbox.

Shanah tovah and gemar hatimah tovah—a Happy New Year, a year of good health and “good trouble” (to borrow the words of the first winner of the Leonard I. Beerman Award for Social Justice in Action, Rep. John Lewis).

Elysa Voshell